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Learning Strategy Videos

Learning Support & Disability Services has designed learning strategy videos that will help you become a more organized student. The videos can be watched in order or separately. Closed Captioning is available by selected the "CC" button in the video. Scripts are available as well.

Stress Management

Stress is a normal part of the college experience. However, a balanced diet, exercise and organization can help you be better prepared to handle stress.

Stress Management Video

Stress Management Video Script


Organize your weekly, monthly, and semester schedule by marking all your assignments and tests from your syllibi onto your schedules. This will help you know what is coming up and let you decide what you may need to say "no" to.

Organization Video

Organization Video Script

Successful Learning in Class

What should you be taking notes on while in class? The key to taking successful notes in the class is by planning ahead. Read the material, come to class prepared for questions, highlight the important material after class.

Successful Learning in Class Video

Successful Learning in Class Video Script