Dr. Anna Himler Biology Associate Professor

Professional Experience
University of Arizona Research Associate, National Science Foundation Co-Investigator, (DEB-1020460). Investigating the mechanisms by which endosymbionts manipulate their whitefly host. 2010 – 2013.
Research Associate, National Institute of Health Postdoctoral Excellence in Research and Teaching (PERT) fellow with Dr. Martha Hunter. Research investigates whitefly-endosymbiont interactions using molecular genetic, behavioral and experimental approaches. 2007 – 2010.
University of Texas at Austin Graduate Research Assistant 2001-2003 Guest Scientist El Ceibo Biological Station, February 2003 University of Arizona Research Technician with Dr. Ed Glenn, Environmental Research Laboratory, Tucson, AZ 1998
Columbia University Entomology Intern with Dr. Jim Wetterer, Biosphere 2, Tucson, AZ 1997 Program Assistant Center for Environmental Research and Conservation (CERC), NY 1996-1997
New York Botanical Garden Project Assistant Institute of Economic Botany, Bronx, NY 1995-1996
Instructor University of Arizona, Introductory Biology, spring 2014
Instructor Pima Community College, Desert Vista Campus Biology for the Allied Health Sciences, spring 2008.
Sole instructor for Introductory Cell and Molecular biology class for Health Science majors with an integrated lab-lecture format.
Teaching Assistant, University of Texas at Austin, Section of Integrative Biology Evolution; Behavioral Ecology; Lab Experience in Genetics (with writing component); Honors Genetics; Biology for Business Law and Liberal Arts; Molecules to Organisms; Heredity, Evolution, and Society
- 2007 Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin, Section of Integrative Biology Dissertation: Evolutionary Ecology and Natural History
- 1995 B.A. Oberlin College, Double major: Biology and Environmental Studies
Mehdiabadi, N.J., U.G. Mueller, S.G. Brady, A.G. Himler, and T. R. Schultz. 2012. Symbiont fidelity and the origin of species in fungus-growing ants. Nature Communications 3:840; DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1844.
Heer K., C.A. Machado, A.G. Himler, E.A. Herre, E.K. Kalko, and C.W Dick. 2012. Anonymous and EST-based microsatellite DNA markers that transfer broadly across the fig tree genus (Ficus, Moraceae). Am. J. Bot. 99 (8):e330-333.
Himler, A. G., T. Adachi-Hagimori, J. Bergen*, A. Kozuch*, S. Kelly, E. Chiel, V. Duckworth*, T. Dennehy, E. Zchori-Fein, and M.S. Hunter. 2011. Rapid spread of a bacterial symbiont in an invasive whitefly is driven by fitness benefits and female bias. Science 332 (6026): 254-256.
Commentary by Jiggins, F.M. and G.D.D. Hurst. Rapid insect evolution by symbiont transfer. 2011. Science 332 (6026): 185-186.
Himler, A.G., and C. Machado. 2009. Host specificity, phenotype matching and the evolution of reproductive isolation in a coevolved plant-pollinator mutualism. Molecular Ecology 18 (24): 4988-4990.
Himler, A.G., E. Caldera*, B. Baer, H. Fernández-Marín, and U.G. Mueller. 2009. No sex in fungus-farming ants or their crops. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276 (1667): 2611- 2616.
Curriculum vitae for Anna Himler, p. 3 Wetterer, J.K., A.G. Himler, and M.M. Yospin*. 2002. Forager size, load size, and resource use in an omnivorous ant, Aphaenogaster albesitosa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 39 (2): 335-343.
Wetterer, J.K., A.G. Himler, and M.M. Yospin*. 2000. Foraging ecology of the desert leaf-cutting ant, Acromyrmex versicolor, in Arizona (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 37 (3B): 633-649.
J.K. Wetterer, S.E. Miller, D.E. Wheeler, C.A. Olsen, D.A. Polhemus, M.Pitts, I.W. Ashton, A.G. Himler, M.M. Yospin, K.R. Helms, E.L. Harkin, J. Gallaher, C.E. Dunning, M. Nelson, J. Litsinger, A. Southern, and T. Burgess. 1999. Ecological dominance by Paratrechina longicornis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), an invasive tramp ant, in Biosphere 2. Florida Entomologist 82 (3): 381-388.
E.P. Glenn, D. Moore, M. Akutagawa, A.G. Himler, T. Walsh, and S. Nelson. 1999. Correlation between Gracilaria parvispora (Rhodophyta) biomass production and water quality factors on a tropical reef in Hawaii. Aquaculture 178: 323-331.