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Upgraded Anderson Hall Welcomes Students on Move-In Day

August 19, 2024
Anderson Hall

The freshmen who moved into Anderson Hall on Friday likely didn’t even realize that they were the first students to move into a residence hall that, for the first time in seven years, wasn’t in the midst of a renovation.

But, as the incoming class of students moved in, older students who were returning to the residence hall did take notice.

“For the past two years, I’ve been living in the unrenovated half of the building,” said senior resident assistant Jayden Bodey. “So, this year, living in a renovated room, it has been really fantastic to see the work they’ve put into this building.”

The fiscally responsible, phased approach to repairing the building, which was originally constructed in 1956, was approved by the College’s Board of Trustees nearly a decade ago, separate from plans to renovate Voorhees and Finney Halls.

The work began with a major project – replacing the building’s roof – in 2017. In 2018, crews renovated the east-wing shower rooms and plumbing, followed by the west-wing shower rooms and plumbing in 2019. Another major project came in 2020 when crews replaced all of the building's old, single-pane windows with new, double-paned windows, which are significantly more energy efficient. That led to HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) overhaul in 2021 before individual dorm-room remodel in the building’s east wing in 2022.

After taking a year off to focus on other projects in 2023, the project hit the home stretch this year by remodeling rooms in Anderson’s west wing with the addition of new, modular and movable furniture over the summer.

“It really creates a space that is better for a student to bring yourself home to,” Bodey said.

One of the first freshmen to get into her room in Anderson Hall was Johanna Fowler from nearby Emmett, Idaho. She was happy with her room and, as her family helped her settle in, she talked about the process of becoming a student at The College of Idaho.

“It’s been pretty easy - really easy, actually,” said Fowler, who plans to double-major in English and business. “Everybody directs you where you need to go next, they’re never going to let you forget something or miss a step. You’re never going to get left behind.”

Fowler is also an incoming member of the Gipson Honors Program and is quickly getting to know her new home.

“I really like how close-knit it feels, the small class sizes,” she explained. “I feel like I already know some of the faculty and people on campus.”

To see a full gallery of images from Friday’s Move-In Day, click here.

The College of Idaho has a 133-year-old legacy of excellence. The College is known for its outstanding academic programs, winning athletics tradition, and history of producing successful graduates, including eight Rhodes Scholars, three governors, and countless business leaders and innovators. Its distinctive PEAK Curriculum challenges students to attain competency in the four knowledge peaks of humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and a professional field—empowering them to earn a major and three minors in four years. The College’s close-knit, residential campus is located in Caldwell, where its proximity both to Boise and to the world-class outdoor activities of southwest Idaho’s mountains and rivers offers unique opportunities for learning beyond the classroom. For more information, visit